Beginner - Mentalism
Mummy Mystery (Various Vendors) - Trick
from $9.95
In this fun version of the effect, you show three different colored Mummies and a black Sarcophagus. You tell the story of three different Egyptian Mummies (Nefertit, Cleopatra and Nitigret). While your back is turned (you can even be out...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - General
Trick - Mentalism
In this fun version of the effect, you show three different colored Mummies and a black Sarcophagus. You tell the story of...
Free William Hicks by Dead Rebel Productions - Trick
A new and killer presentation from Dead Rebel productions that combines some classic mentalism principles into a full, astonishing routine.'Free William Hicks' is an anytime, anywhere practical piece of bizarre / mental magic that will fool everyone. You tell the story...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Gambling
Trick - Mentalism
A new and killer presentation from Dead Rebel productions that combines some classic mentalism principles into a full, astonishing routine.'Free William Hicks' is...
Color Vision Box by Empire - Trick
This is perfect for beginner or young magicians and collectors.Color Vision is a classic effect that is a perfect item for any magician. Pass out the plastic box, lid and colored cube for careful examination. Ask someone to secretly insert...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
This is perfect for beginner or young magicians and collectors.Color Vision is a classic effect that is a perfect item for any...
Number Mystery Outdone by Royal Magic - Trick
An improved version of a classic trick. The spectator is shown six cards. Unlike older versions of this trick, BOTH SIDES of the cards are freely displayed. Using the cards and a the magician's superior mental ability, it is a...
Beginner - Card Tricks
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Cards
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - General
Trick - Mentalism
An improved version of a classic trick. The spectator is shown six cards. Unlike older versions of this trick, BOTH SIDES of...
This is a trick where the magician (or ‘Mentalist’) predicts something that will happen in the immediate future. Some colored chips or tokens are given to a spectator. A ‘Prediction’ is written and given to another spectator for safe keeping....
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
This is a trick where the magician (or ‘Mentalist’) predicts something that will happen in the immediate future. Some colored chips or...
My Favorite King by Royal Magic - Trick
Stunning Mental Card Magic! The spectator is asked to merely think of one of the four kings. There is no force of cards. As the spectator thinks of the card, the magician removes a pay envelope from his pocket. Inside...
Beginner - Card Tricks
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Cards
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - General
Trick - Mentalism
Stunning Mental Card Magic! The spectator is asked to merely think of one of the four kings. There is no force of...
The Time Machine (Gimmicks and Instructions) - Trick
THE TIME MACHINE is a classic fun magic trick reimagined for today's audiences!In this version, you show a mysterious timepiece. An audience member SECRETLY sets it to ANY TIME in the future. While your back is turned the timepiece is placed...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
Trick - With Online Instructions
THE TIME MACHINE is a classic fun magic trick reimagined for today's audiences!In this version, you show a mysterious timepiece. An audience member...
Numerology by Damien Vappereau - Trick
In this effect which requires no technique, the magician asks a spectator to choose a symbol among nine others and to hide it.Then, the spectator turns over the cards revealing the numbers and makes three additions, being free from start...
Beginner - Card Tricks
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Cards
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
In this effect which requires no technique, the magician asks a spectator to choose a symbol among nine others and to hide...
Zodiac Prediction (Whats My Sign) (FT) - Trick
Magician shows a chart having 12 pictures of the Zodiac. He requests the spectator to think of a zodiac sign or select his own. Magician then hands over 4 cards having different zodiac signs. He asks the spectator to check...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
Magician shows a chart having 12 pictures of the Zodiac. He requests the spectator to think of a zodiac sign or select...
Animal Hunter
Great for young magicians, too!Perfect for party favors- and terrific for classroom use! Let your spectator secretly choose any one of the animals shown on the board. You turn the board so that it faces him, and the back of...
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
Great for young magicians, too!Perfect for party favors- and terrific for classroom use! Let your spectator secretly choose any one of the...
Future Puzzle (2016) by Tenyo Magic - Trick
A jigsaw puzzle predicts the future!"That's impossible!" "Beyond incredible!" Everyone who has witnessed this trick has been shocked beyond words. After a spectator names any picture card from a deck of playing cards at random, the magician assembles a small...
Beginner - Card Tricks
Beginner - Mentalism
Tenyo Magic
Trick - Cards
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
A jigsaw puzzle predicts the future!"That's impossible!" "Beyond incredible!" Everyone who has witnessed this trick has been shocked beyond words. After a...
Miracle Dowsing Rods (2018) by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Imagine aiming this device at a row of envelopes, one of which contains a coin inserted by a spectator. It will find the envelope that contains the coin! Or - imagine aiming it at packets of cards, and it will...
Beginner - Card Tricks
Beginner - Mentalism
Tenyo Magic
Trick - Animation
Trick - Cards
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
Trick - Miscellaneous
Tricks - Miscellaneous
Imagine aiming this device at a row of envelopes, one of which contains a coin inserted by a spectator. It will find...
Mind Control - Trick
A Fail Proof Mind Reading Demonstration! The Magician Successfully Predicts The Thought Of Color!
Beginner - Mentalism
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - Mentalism
A Fail Proof Mind Reading Demonstration! The Magician Successfully Predicts The Thought Of Color!
Index Brain by S. W. Reilly (vintage, mnemomics)
These are vintage copies of S. W. Reilly's 1937 edition of Index Brain that are in great condition. Index Brain is a rapid memory system that will teach you to be able to memorize a list of one to one...
Beginner - Mentalism
Beginner - Stand-Up Magic
Magic Inc.
Trick - Close Up
Trick - For Beginners
Trick - General
Trick - Mentalism
Trick - Miscellaneous
Trick - Stand-Up Magic
Tricks - Miscellaneous
These are vintage copies of S. W. Reilly's 1937 edition of Index Brain that are in great condition. Index Brain is a...