Jaspernese Thumb Tie by Jay Marshall - Book
Jay "The Great Jasper" Marshall (1919-2005) was President of Magic Inc., a veteran of a lifetime of professional magic in every performing capacity, and was much in demand for consultation on acts, jokes, bits of business and tricks. Originated by Jay,...
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BOOKS Books - by Magic Inc. Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Stand Up Magic Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up Magic Inc.
Jay "The Great Jasper" Marshall (1919-2005) was President of Magic Inc., a veteran of a lifetime of professional magic in every performing...
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Hugard's Magic Monthly - Book
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the greatest magazines on magic ever published because it was edited by one of magic's most knowledgeable men. Jean...
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BEGINNER Beginner - Books Beginner - Close-Up Books Beginner - General Books Beginner - Mentalism Books Beginner - Stand-Up Books BOOKS Books - Beginner Books - Biography Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Doves / Animals Books - Escapes Books - General Books - History Books - Illusions Books - Magic for Children Books - Mentalism Books - Puppets Books - Stand Up Magic Books - Theory Doves / Animals Illusions Lecture Notes Magazine Magic for Children
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the...
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Tarbell Course in Magic - Vol. 6 - Book
The Tarbell Course in Magic was originally put out as a mail order course. It has now been compiled into 8 Volumes packed full of valuable information, tricks and routines for beginner and advanced magicians alike. Definitely a must have...
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BEGINNER Beginner - Books Beginner - Close-Up Books Beginner - General Books Beginner - Mentalism Books BOOKS Books - Beginner Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Illusions Books - Mentalism Books - Theory Illusions
The Tarbell Course in Magic was originally put out as a mail order course. It has now been compiled into 8 Volumes...
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Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks by Stewart James - Book
Rope tricks are one of the classics of magic. While there are DVD's and Books by Flip, Tarbary and others, this is one of the basic books of magic. No library should be without this book because here are the basics....
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BEGINNER Beginner - Books Beginner - General Books Beginner - Stand-Up Books BOOKS Books - Beginner Books - Escapes Books - General
Rope tricks are one of the classics of magic. While there are DVD's and Books by Flip, Tarbary and others, this is...
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Big Magic for Little Hands by Joshua Jay - Book
Kids love magic. They love to see it, and they love to do it. Enter Joshua Jay, who started doing magic when he was 7 and was named champion at the World Magic Seminar (the Olympics of magic) by the...
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BOOKS Books - Close Up Magic Books - Escapes Books - General Books - History Books - Illusions Books - Magic for Children Books - Mentalism Illusions Magic for Children
Kids love magic. They love to see it, and they love to do it. Enter Joshua Jay, who started doing magic when...
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Escapes by Percy Abbott - Book
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the routines in this book have not ages well and include racially inappropriate presentations. The views expressed within are not those of Magic Inc.   Escapes by Percy Abbott is a very hard-to-find book. Not only are...
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BOOKS Books - Escapes
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the routines in this book have not ages well and include racially inappropriate presentations. The views expressed within...
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Ireland's Yearbook Reader Series - Book
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol. 1 from 1934-1950 Vol. 2 from 1950-1960 Vol. 3 from 1961-1980The ideas, stories and tricks in all the...
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BOOKS Books - by Magic Inc. Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Comedy Books - Doves / Animals Books - Ed Marlo Books - Escapes Books - General Books - History Books - Magic for Children CHICAGO MAGIC Doves / Animals Magic for Children Magic Inc Books - Cards Magic Inc Books - Close-up Magic Inc Books - Comedy Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up Magic Inc. Magic Inc. Marlo Books MARLO Silk Sponge Balls Trick - Holiday
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol....
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A New Look by John Morrissy - Book
Well constructed and entertaining routines for Brainwave, Rubic's Cube, Ring on Rope, Betcha's, Cards to Pocket, Thumb Tie, Locked Deck, Mental Photography Deck and much more.
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BOOKS Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Clowning Books - Escapes Books - Magic for Children Books - Stand Up Magic Clowning Magic for Children
Well constructed and entertaining routines for Brainwave, Rubic's Cube, Ring on Rope, Betcha's, Cards to Pocket, Thumb Tie, Locked Deck, Mental Photography...
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Art of Escape VOL. 7 - The Thumb Tie by John Novak - Book
This volume begins with a discussion of the Harry Willard Thumb Tie and quickly moves on to a discussion of the various Thumb Ties and their presentations. The coverage given to the thumb tie is complete and to the point....
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BOOKS Books - Escapes Books - Illusions Illusions
This volume begins with a discussion of the Harry Willard Thumb Tie and quickly moves on to a discussion of the various...
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The Golden Rule of Schmoozing by Aye Jaye - Book
Schmoozing is all about the authentic practice of treating others well. Author, public speaker, stand-up comedian and professional clown Aye Jaye reveals the secrets to uncovering your own magnetism and charm and how to use The Golden Rule of Schmoozing...
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BOOKS Books - Escapes Books - General
Schmoozing is all about the authentic practice of treating others well. Author, public speaker, stand-up comedian and professional clown Aye Jaye reveals...
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33 Rope Ties and Chain Releases by Burling Hull - Book
A classic text on rope ties for escape artists. Burling Hull (1889-1982) explains everything you need to know to escape from ropes and chains. Tell your audience that "a handcuff or packing box can be tricked, but rope is rope...
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BOOKS Books - by Magic Inc. Books - Escapes Books - Stand Up Magic Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up Magic Inc.
A classic text on rope ties for escape artists. Burling Hull (1889-1982) explains everything you need to know to escape from ropes...
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Magic & Mischief by Andrew Mayne - Book
Want to produce an iPad from an envelope skewered by pencils? Make a hula-hoop mysteriously float around your body? Perform a stunt with handcuffs that doesn’t require any lockpicking skills or hidden keys? Then check out my new magic book,...
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BOOKS Books - Animation Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Illusions Illusions
Want to produce an iPad from an envelope skewered by pencils? Make a hula-hoop mysteriously float around your body? Perform a stunt...
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The Device by Andrew Mayne - Book
THE DEVICE is an extremely portable illusion that fits in your pocket.The magician explains to his audience how he got accepted into the secret association of magicians: it was through a rather unusual mail-order test.He removes a small device from...
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BOOKS Books - Close Up Magic Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Illusions Illusions
THE DEVICE is an extremely portable illusion that fits in your pocket.The magician explains to his audience how he got accepted into...
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Sleight of Hand Book by Edwin Sachs - Book
Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs just might be the number one best book ever written on magic. The standard textbook on how to become a magician. Sleight of hand feats and tricks with apparatus for amateur and profesional conjurers,...
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BEGINNER Beginner - Books Beginner - Close-Up Books Beginner - General Books BOOKS Books - Animation Books - Balloons Books - Beginner Books - Biography Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Doves / Animals Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Magic for Children Doves / Animals Magic for Children
Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs just might be the number one best book ever written on magic. The standard textbook on...
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An Invitation to Mystery by Tony Griffith - Book
In this book Tony Griffith shares with us some of his best routines. There is something for everyone. You can find card magic (both close-up and stand-up), entertaining mentalism and stage magic. All effects are easy to prepare and easy...
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BOOKS Books - Balloons Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Escapes Books - General Books - Mentalism Books - Stand Up Magic
In this book Tony Griffith shares with us some of his best routines. There is something for everyone. You can find card...
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Art of Escape VOL. 3 - Metamorphosis by John Novak - Book
The Metamorphosis is covered in detail, along with variations and a complete treatise on the most modern form of police restraint - The Flex Cuffs. Also included is a basic television interview that can be used to advantage in promoting...
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BOOKS Books - Escapes Books - Illusions Illusions
The Metamorphosis is covered in detail, along with variations and a complete treatise on the most modern form of police restraint -...
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