Summer Magic Camp 2025 - Event
$300.00 from $175.00
Two Weeks Available Three Separate Age Groups! Magic Summer Camp on the NEWS 2025 CAMP DATES: WEEK ONE - JULY 7th THROUGH JULY 11th WEEK TWO - JULY 14th THROUGH JULY 18th Daily for 7 - 16 year-olds For two...
Events Events - Summer Camp Featured Products
Two Weeks Available Three Separate Age Groups! Magic Summer Camp on the NEWS 2025 CAMP DATES: WEEK ONE - JULY 7th THROUGH...
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Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall - Book
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer, and dean of American magicians, Jay Marshall. Beating a Dead Horse is also a story of fathers and...
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BOOKS Books - Biography Books - History Books - Puppets Featured Products MAGIC COLLECTIBLES VENTRILOQUISM
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer,...
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Magic Unconcealed by Jay Collen - Book
It has finally arrived - the much-anticipated book by Magic Inc's very own Jay Collen! It is sure to get you thinking about the magic you currently do, and the kind of magic you wish to perform. It offers new insight into the...
BOOKS Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic Books - Mentalism CHICAGO MAGIC Featured Products
It has finally arrived - the much-anticipated book by Magic Inc's very own Jay Collen! It is sure to get you thinking about...
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Red Hot Prediction by Cameron Francis - Trick
$25.00 $20.00
Spreading a blue deck face up between your hands, you ask your spectator to name any two cards she sees. Placing those cards on the table, you ask her to name any other card (by free choice). Say she names...
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Featured Products FISM 2022 Magic Inc Tricks - Cards Magic Inc Tricks - Close-Up Magic Inc. Trick - by Magic Inc. Trick - Cards Trick - Close Up Tricks
Spreading a blue deck face up between your hands, you ask your spectator to name any two cards she sees. Placing those...
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Dead-eye Deck by Bob Brown - Trick
A spectator chooses a card from the deck and is given a choice of how many bullets their imaginary revolver will shoot (from 1 to 6). After mimicking shooting the deck, the cards are spread and one card is found...
  • Red Back
  • Blue Back
BEGINNER Beginner - Card Tricks Beginner - Stand-Up Magic Featured Products Magic Inc Tricks - Cards Magic Inc Tricks - Close-Up Magic Inc Tricks - Stand-Up Magic Inc. Trick - by Magic Inc. Trick - Cards Trick - Close Up Trick - For Beginners Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks
A spectator chooses a card from the deck and is given a choice of how many bullets their imaginary revolver will shoot...
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Red Back
Blue Back
A New Angle by Ryan Plunkett & Michael Feldman - Book
“A New Angle is full of thoughtfully constructed routines that will not only entertain and fool, but will naturally inspire you with creative possibilities.” —Daniel Garcia A New Angle by Ryan Plunkett & Michael Feldman A New Angle is filled...
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BOOKS Books - by Magic Inc. Books - Cards Books - Close Up Magic CHICAGO MAGIC Featured Products FISM 2022 Magic Inc Books - Cards Magic Inc Books - Close-up Magic Inc.
“A New Angle is full of thoughtfully constructed routines that will not only entertain and fool, but will naturally inspire you with...
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Mental Photography Deck (Mental Photo) - Bicycle
A deck of cards is shown blank on both sides and the magician talks about how cards are printed - not by printing presses, but by magic. At the magician's command, a card appears - but it only has a...
Featured Products Trick - Cards Trick - Close Up Tricks
A deck of cards is shown blank on both sides and the magician talks about how cards are printed - not by...
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Lefty Porper Card Clip - Accessory
Authentic Porper, Curved Spine card clip, with Jay & Lefty engraved. Numbered Limited Edition Porper Card Clip - (only 50 exist) - Choose your number at checkout.
Featured Products FISM 2022 MAGIC COLLECTIBLES Magic Inc.
Authentic Porper, Curved Spine card clip, with Jay & Lefty engraved. Numbered Limited Edition Porper Card Clip - (only 50 exist) -...
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