Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Thurston's Floating Ball by Herman Hanson - Book
The greatest of all Floating Ball routines, developed and used by Howard Thurston during his long and illustrious career. A magnificent display of super showmanship for the stage. Effect: Audience sees a cabinet with the doors wide open. The ball...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
The greatest of all Floating Ball routines, developed and used by Howard Thurston during his long and illustrious career. A magnificent display...
Build Your Own Illusions by Jim Sommers - Book
Jim Sommers (1934-2018) was a full time professional magician who specialized in illusions. Throughout his career he always used a few illusions in his show that he built himself. His philosophy in designing, building, and thinking about illusions is based on the presupposition that many magicians...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
Jim Sommers (1934-2018) was a full time professional magician who specialized in illusions. Throughout his career he always used a few illusions in...
Black Art by Laurie Ireland, et al. - Book
Black Art is a marvelous technique which stage magicians can use to make anything on stage—regardless of size, type, or complexity—functionally invisible. In this 1955 manuscript Laurie Ireland, Paul Studham, and Jasper Ward teach their ideas for the performance of...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc.
Black Art is a marvelous technique which stage magicians can use to make anything on stage—regardless of size, type, or complexity—functionally invisible....
The Doll House by Gene Gloye - Book
Complete building plans and many ideas for a variety of presentations. This is the easy illusion to make! Of all the illusions in the world of magic, the Doll's House is the simplest one to build, the one that lends...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Complete building plans and many ideas for a variety of presentations. This is the easy illusion to make! Of all the illusions...
Modern Illusions by Tom Palmer - Book
The important thing about these illusions is that they were created for the modern performer who had to carry them in their car and use them on small platforms and stages, yet had to give the impression of doing a...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
The important thing about these illusions is that they were created for the modern performer who had to carry them in their...
Vanishing Head Illusion Plans - Book
Simple building plans for an exciting trick. Good effect for kid shows, schools, etc. A four sided frame is put over kid's head—sitting on his shoulders. Door opens to show his face. The door is closed and when it's re-opened his...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc.
Simple building plans for an exciting trick. Good effect for kid shows, schools, etc. A four sided frame is put over kid's...
The New Look for the Magic Show by R.E. Arthur - Book
Complete details on how to make any show look big and important thru the use of scenery, props, etc., with complete construction plans and diagrams, adaptable to any purse or ability. Add color, sparkle, glamour, bigness and fanfare to your...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Miscellaneous
Books - Theory
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
Complete details on how to make any show look big and important thru the use of scenery, props, etc., with complete construction...
Noah's Ark by Laurie Ireland - Book
Complete building plans, as used in the Ireland School Show. One of the best of all illusions for use in schools or where there are lots of kids in the audience. Effect: The magician introduces an attractive "boat" and everything...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc.
Complete building plans, as used in the Ireland School Show. One of the best of all illusions for use in schools or...
Marconick's Original Magic Series by Marconick - Book
from $9.95
The most inventive and original of all European magicians, Marconick (1930-2008) has delighted many Americans on his lecture tours. You will be very happy with his tricks because his ideas are simple and straightforward. Each book is complete in itself....
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Miscellaneous
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
The most inventive and original of all European magicians, Marconick (1930-2008) has delighted many Americans on his lecture tours. You will be...
Parakeet Magic - Book
A symposium of material from John Shirley, Maurice Blackman, Brian LeSlie, Eric Lewis, Rupert Gilbert, Stuart Leith, Joe Zering. Contains over fifty tricks and routines with parakeets, including many ideas for building special small illusions featuring the birds. Sections by...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Illusions
Doves / Animals
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
A symposium of material from John Shirley, Maurice Blackman, Brian LeSlie, Eric Lewis, Rupert Gilbert, Stuart Leith, Joe Zering. Contains over fifty...
Human Pin Cushion Torture Box by Laurie Ireland - Book
Big, flashy, and exciting—lots of action! The showstopper of Laurie Ireland's school show, this illusion is big and flashy while still lightweight, easy to handle, packs flat, is self-contained, requires no special stage conditions, and only requires one assistant. This...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
Big, flashy, and exciting—lots of action! The showstopper of Laurie Ireland's school show, this illusion is big and flashy while still lightweight,...
The Enchanted Cane by Dr. Harlan Tarbell - Book
A reproduction of a collector's piece, written and illustrated by the famous Dr. Harlan Tarbell. Also included another complete routine by Ormond McGill. Any cane may be used, but at very little cost, the performer can get a Charlie Chaplin...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
A reproduction of a collector's piece, written and illustrated by the famous Dr. Harlan Tarbell. Also included another complete routine by Ormond...