Books - History
Genii Magazine - 2024 Issues
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day; publishing some of the most innovative routines, moves, and articles in magic. GENII: THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 87NUMBER 12DECEMBER...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day;...
Genii Magazine - 2023 Issues
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day; publishing some of the most innovative routines, moves, and articles in magic. GENII: THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 86NUMBER 12DECEMBER...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day;...
Genii Magazine - 2022 Issues
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day; publishing some of the most innovative routines, moves, and articles in magic. GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINEVOLUME 85NUMBER 12December...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day;...
Conjuror at the Table by Al James - Book
from $35.00
Those of you who are interested in restaurant magic are in for a real treat! In Conjurer at the Table, Al James walks you through the process of scouting, booking and keeping a restaurant gig, as well as what kind...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Theory
FISM 2022
Magic Inc.
Those of you who are interested in restaurant magic are in for a real treat! In Conjurer at the Table, Al James...
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall - Book
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer, and dean of American magicians, Jay Marshall. Beating a Dead Horse is also a story of fathers and...
Books - Biography
Books - History
Books - Puppets
Featured Products
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer,...
Genii Magazine - 2020 Issues
Volume 83 (January to December 2020) VOLUME 83NUMBER 12December 2020FEATURESThe Way of John Carney by Chloe OlewitzCOLUMNSGenii Speaks by Richard KaufmanIn Memoriam: Ken Klosterman by Gabe Fajuri Paul Cummins by Jon Racherbaumer The Eye by Chloe OlewitzChamber of Secrets The Floyd's Card Star by...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Volume 83 (January to December 2020) VOLUME 83NUMBER 12December 2020FEATURESThe Way of John Carney by Chloe OlewitzCOLUMNSGenii Speaks by Richard KaufmanIn Memoriam: Ken Klosterman...
Impromptu (Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic) by Martin Gardner - Book
In association with The Miracle Factory, Magic Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Impromptu AKA The Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic. Todd Karr from Miracle Factory, in collaboration with Jay Marshall and Martin Gardner set upon the formidable task...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Mentalism
Books - Stand Up Magic
FISM 2022
In association with The Miracle Factory, Magic Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Impromptu AKA The Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic....
Genii Magazine - 2021 Issues
from $6.50
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day; publishing some of the most innovative routines, moves, and articles in magic. Volume 84 (January to December 2021)...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day;...
Max Malini: King of Magicians, Magician of Kings by Steve Cohen - Book
from $124.95
Our publication of Malini's Egg Bag routine (taught by his direct student Charlie Miller) has been one of our all time best-selling books. To celebrate the release of Max Malini: King of Magicians, Magician of Kings, with every purchase we are...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - History
Books - Theory
Our publication of Malini's Egg Bag routine (taught by his direct student Charlie Miller) has been one of our all time best-selling...
Hugard's Magic Monthly - Book
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the greatest magazines on magic ever published because it was edited by one of magic's most knowledgeable men. Jean...
Beginner - Books
Beginner - Close-Up Books
Beginner - General Books
Beginner - Mentalism Books
Beginner - Stand-Up Books
Books - Beginner
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Mentalism
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Doves / Animals
Lecture Notes
Magic for Children
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the...
Now You See Them, Now You Don't by Bill Weimer - Book
from $24.95
Now available in two editions: Special Edition (Blue Cover) and Magician's Edition (Yellow Cover). The Special Edition (Layman Edition) includes only the historical parts from the original book, so it is a perfect gift for people interested in Chicago and...
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - History
Now available in two editions: Special Edition (Blue Cover) and Magician's Edition (Yellow Cover). The Special Edition (Layman Edition) includes only the...
How Magicians Think by Joshua Jay - Book
from $20.95
PLEASE NOTE: We have some remainder copies available for this title, listed as an option to purchase. They will have "remainder" markings somewhere on the book, and that's the only reason they are discounted. Unless specified, they are otherwise pristine...
Books - Biography
Books - History
Books - Theory
PLEASE NOTE: We have some remainder copies available for this title, listed as an option to purchase. They will have "remainder" markings...
Thurston's Floating Ball by Herman Hanson - Book
The greatest of all Floating Ball routines, developed and used by Howard Thurston during his long and illustrious career. A magnificent display of super showmanship for the stage. Effect: Audience sees a cabinet with the doors wide open. The ball...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc.
The greatest of all Floating Ball routines, developed and used by Howard Thurston during his long and illustrious career. A magnificent display...
Genii Magazine - 2025 Issues
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day; publishing some of the most innovative routines, moves, and articles in magic. GENII: THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 88NUMBER 3MARCH...
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Genii Magazine is the longest-running independent magazine devoted to magic and magicians. It was founded in 1936 and has continued to this day;...
No Ordinary Magic A Memoir (Unexpected Travels with the Great Cellini) by Emily McFalls - Book
No Ordinary Magic A Memoir (Unexpected Travels with the Great Cellini) by Emily McFalls - Book
At twenty-five, I embarked on an unconventional journey Hi, I'm Eileen McFalls. This memoir is about my adventures street performing with Jim Cellini, beginning when we first met in 1980 on Jackson Square in New Orleans. After meeting this charismatic...
Books - Biography
Books - History
At twenty-five, I embarked on an unconventional journey Hi, I'm Eileen McFalls. This memoir is about my adventures street performing with Jim...
New Phoenix Compilation - Book
This is one of the greatest buys in magic today. You have no idea of the number of tricks, the amount of information, the witty, very interesting columns of magic trivia, news, argument, history, biography, reports, reviews and everything else...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - General
Books - History
Magic Inc.
This is one of the greatest buys in magic today. You have no idea of the number of tricks, the amount of...