Books - Puppets
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall - Book
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer, and dean of American magicians, Jay Marshall. Beating a Dead Horse is also a story of fathers and...
Books - Biography
Books - History
Books - Puppets
Featured Products
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall is an engaging, no-holds-barred look at the life of television pioneer,...
Hugard's Magic Monthly - Book
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the greatest magazines on magic ever published because it was edited by one of magic's most knowledgeable men. Jean...
Beginner - Books
Beginner - Close-Up Books
Beginner - General Books
Beginner - Mentalism Books
Beginner - Stand-Up Books
Books - Beginner
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Mentalism
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Doves / Animals
Lecture Notes
Magic for Children
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the...
Kid Stuff Series by Frances Ireland Marshall - Book
from $9.95
NOTE: The dust jacket on the hardcover edition of VOL. 1 is shopworn. Frances Ireland Marshall (1910-2002) was an icon among all kinds of magicians—performers, dealers, creators, writers, etc.—for decades. Her Kid Stuff series is considered by many experts to be essential reading...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Clowning
Books - General
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
NOTE: The dust jacket on the hardcover edition of VOL. 1 is shopworn. Frances Ireland Marshall (1910-2002) was an icon among all...
Magical Mystery Time Machine by Paul Osborne - Book
One of the very few books ever written on the subject of magic tied up with puppets. This one is very special because The Magical Mystery Time Machine is a complete act originated, designed and professionally performed by Paul Osborne during his...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Puppets
Books - Themed Act
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Themed Acts
Magic Inc.
One of the very few books ever written on the subject of magic tied up with puppets. This one is very special...
Marionettes: How to Make and Work Them by Helen Fling - Book
This is the complete book of marionette craft -- from making heads and constructing bodies to stringing the marionettes on one- and two-hand controls, operating the marionettes, and putting on your own shows. Four books by Helen Fling have been...
Books - Puppets
This is the complete book of marionette craft -- from making heads and constructing bodies to stringing the marionettes on one- and...
The Art of Ventriloquism by George Tollerton - Book
"The Art of Ventriloquism" by George Tollerton of New Zealand. This is the Supreme Magic (Great Britain) reprint from the 1960's.Tollerton - with his figure "Jerry Jaxon" - were the Kiwi equivalent of Bergen & McCarthy...their greatest fame came via...
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - Miscellaneous
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
"The Art of Ventriloquism" by George Tollerton of New Zealand. This is the Supreme Magic (Great Britain) reprint from the 1960's.Tollerton -...
The Most Popular Trick in Magic by Val Andrews - Book
Card rises for club, TV, close-up and cabaret. Contents: The Most Popular Trick in Magic Part One Propelled by Finger, Thumb or Wand With Faked Card Case or Glass Special Glass From the Centre of the PackThe Val Andrews Rising-Cards...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Card rises for club, TV, close-up and cabaret. Contents: The Most Popular Trick in Magic Part One Propelled by Finger, Thumb or...
How To Do Punch and Judy by Sidney de Hempsey - Book
In this very comprehensive book by a master Punch performer, you get an education in an art that will pay you well, if you want to use it to make money. Too few magicians have anything to offer but magic...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Puppets
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc.
In this very comprehensive book by a master Punch performer, you get an education in an art that will pay you well,...
Ventriloquism by Ken Davie - Book
A new modern book on all aspects of ventriloquism, written by a true artist in this field: Kevin Davie of South Africa. The first section of his book to the technique of ventriloquism, including breathing and the voice. Then he...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
A new modern book on all aspects of ventriloquism, written by a true artist in this field: Kevin Davie of South Africa....
Books - General
Books - Miscellaneous
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
A beginners guide to ventriloquism.
You Can Be a Puppeteer by Carolyn London - Book
Ever since puppetry began thousands of years ago in China and India, puppets have had a special appeal with children. But perhaps no generation of youngsters has been more exposed to puppets than the present one. Today children enjoy puppet...
Books - Gospel Magic
Books - Puppets
Ever since puppetry began thousands of years ago in China and India, puppets have had a special appeal with children. But perhaps...
Judy's and Andrew's Puppet Book by Muriel Goaman - Book
This book is for all girls and boyswho want to make puppets them-selves and run their own puppetshows. It explains an easy way tomake both glove and string puppets,how to paint them and dress them,and how the strings work. There...
Books - Puppets
This book is for all girls and boyswho want to make puppets them-selves and run their own puppetshows. It explains an easy...
The Best From Down Under by J. V. Reilly - Book
A collection of magic from Australian magicians, compiled and edited by V. J. Reilly. Index: - Club Magic - Close-up Magic - Children's Magic - Puppet Routines - Card Magic - Chalk Talk - Cameos of Magic - Illusions -...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Mentalism
Books - Puppets
Magic for Children
A collection of magic from Australian magicians, compiled and edited by V. J. Reilly. Index: - Club Magic - Close-up Magic -...
Harry George Versus Magic by Harry George - Book
Even though this book was published in 1965, this is all absolutely today's stuff—the way-out, zany, wild interpretation of magic. This young man plays only for laughs! All the ideas in his book end up in a laugh! Over two...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Clowning
Books - Comedy
Books - General
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Comedy
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Even though this book was published in 1965, this is all absolutely today's stuff—the way-out, zany, wild interpretation of magic. This young...
Ventriloquism of Today by Paul Stadelman - Book
Paul Stadelman has written one of the most concise books on how to be a ventriloquist. It is a step by step training program that gets the beginner started out right. Includes how to perform the different voices, sound effects,...
Books - General
Books - Puppets
Paul Stadelman has written one of the most concise books on how to be a ventriloquist. It is a step by step...
Books - Puppets
Laughter dialogues with a vent dog