Lecture Notes
McCombical: The Wit and Wisdom of Billy McComb by Billy McComb - Book
BILLY McCOMB was a working magician and inventor of magic for more than 50 years. He was a prolific writer, a gifted illustrator, and could invent patter at the drop of a hat for just about any effect or circumstance....
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Stand Up Magic
FISM 2022
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
BILLY McCOMB was a working magician and inventor of magic for more than 50 years. He was a prolific writer, a gifted...
Hugard's Magic Monthly - Book
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the greatest magazines on magic ever published because it was edited by one of magic's most knowledgeable men. Jean...
Beginner - Books
Beginner - Close-Up Books
Beginner - General Books
Beginner - Mentalism Books
Beginner - Stand-Up Books
Books - Beginner
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Mentalism
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Doves / Animals
Lecture Notes
Magic for Children
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the...
Charlie Miller Lecture Notes by Charlie Miller - Book
Charlie Miller (1909-1989) is one of the finest sleight of hand magicians of all time. These are the lecture notes for a lecture he gave at Magic, Inc. in 1967. He offers great insight into the art of magic, presentation, routining...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Stand Up Magic
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Charlie Miller (1909-1989) is one of the finest sleight of hand magicians of all time. These are the lecture notes for a lecture...
Un Poquito Lecture Notes by Luis Carreon - Book
A new set of lecture notes by Luis Carreon! This set contains 10 tricks from Luis's professional repertoire. You will learn a variety of routines using playing cards, chocolate, napkins and more. This are routines that have been honed over...
Lecture Notes
A new set of lecture notes by Luis Carreon! This set contains 10 tricks from Luis's professional repertoire. You will learn a...
The Andrus Notes - The Magic of Jerry Andrus - Book
Jerry Andrus was a creative genius, and now 7 of his lecture notes are collected together in this one volume. You'll be treated to 100 pages of Jerry's out-of-the-box thinking, including modern-day classics such as 'Zone Zero' and 'Sudden Surprise.'...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Illusions
Lecture Notes
Jerry Andrus was a creative genius, and now 7 of his lecture notes are collected together in this one volume. You'll be...
Excellence in Family Magic by Scott Green - Book
An easy-to-read, easy-to-understand master course in performing magic for all-ages audiences. Learn the real secrets of how to write better routines, get your audiences to behave, and handle the business side of things. Packed with more than 20 original routines,...
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Theory
Lecture Notes
Magic for Children
An easy-to-read, easy-to-understand master course in performing magic for all-ages audiences. Learn the real secrets of how to write better routines, get...
Fred Kaps Lecture Book by Fred Kaps - Book
Fred Kaps (1926-1980) was widely regarded as one of the greatest performers of his time and his work is still widely studied by performers to this day. His influence can be found all over the world. "Effect should come first,...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - General
Books - Theory
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Fred Kaps (1926-1980) was widely regarded as one of the greatest performers of his time and his work is still widely studied...
Bongo Strikes Again by Ali Bongo - Book
The amazing Ali Bongo shares some of his best tricks.
8 pages of diagrams and drawings, no written instructions.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc.
The amazing Ali Bongo shares some of his best tricks.
8 pages of diagrams and drawings, no written instructions.
Seemingly Impromptu by Michael Kaminskas - Book
Michael Kaminskas new book Seemingly Impromptu gives you the knowledge to perform miracles seemingly at the drop of a hat! Too much stock is placed in magic performed without planning. In this book Michael Kaminskas explains how to create the...
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Lecture Notes
Michael Kaminskas new book Seemingly Impromptu gives you the knowledge to perform miracles seemingly at the drop of a hat! Too much...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Pat Page thumb tip secrets from his repetoire.
EZ Stuff A Lecture by Warren Stephens - Book
Contents: - Two Sight Gags - Warren's Wilting Flower - Silken Surprise - Warren Stephen's Mother-in-law Card Trick - Nest of Wands Routine - Table Ideas - Bowl Vanish - Mental Card to Wallet - Loop de Doo cut and...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Mentalism
Books - Miscellaneous
Books - Stand Up Magic
Lecture Notes
Contents: - Two Sight Gags - Warren's Wilting Flower - Silken Surprise - Warren Stephen's Mother-in-law Card Trick - Nest of Wands...
Acting for Magicians by David Kovac - Book
From the Jay Marshall Lecture Series of 2011, the classically trained David Kovac provides his tried and tested views on turning magic from a trick into entertainment! Beg no pity, Bear no shame!
Books - General
Books - Theory
Lecture Notes
From the Jay Marshall Lecture Series of 2011, the classically trained David Kovac provides his tried and tested views on turning magic...
Dai Vernon's Expanded Lecture Notes by Dai Vernon - Book
Dai Vernon spent several days at Magic, Inc. working on this book to expand it, combine other notes into it and add some items. He also went over everything to bring it up to date, and this new edition is...
Books - Biography
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Dai Vernon spent several days at Magic, Inc. working on this book to expand it, combine other notes into it and add...
The Magic of Dan Fleshman - Lecture Tour 2013-14 - Book
The lecture notes of Dan Fleshman. Includes many of his standard restaurant routines including Momma in my Wallet, and Rollover Half Dollars. Written in English. Two different covers seem to have been printed, one with 2013 and the second with...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Lecture Notes
The lecture notes of Dan Fleshman. Includes many of his standard restaurant routines including Momma in my Wallet, and Rollover Half Dollars....
Bongo's Bazaar Lecture Notes by Ali Bongo - Book
These are "true" lecture notes that provide a quick summary of effects that were presented at the lecture. While the descriptions are brief, most provide enough details for the average magician to get the idea. Contents: 2 Bongo's Bazaar: An...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - General
Lecture Notes
Magic Inc.
These are "true" lecture notes that provide a quick summary of effects that were presented at the lecture. While the descriptions are...
Magic from Holland by Ger Copper - Book
Magic From Holland! Ger Copper is one of the best magicians in the world and has won awards at FISM for his work. In this set of notes from the 70's he gives incite into some of his clever effects...
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Lecture Notes
Magic From Holland! Ger Copper is one of the best magicians in the world and has won awards at FISM for his...