Jay's Jinking Rings by Jay Marshall - Book
from $9.95
Here is the complete set, Jay's Jinking Rings and book! (Also available as manuscript only) Jay Marshall (1919-2005) was President of Magic Inc., a veteran of a lifetime of professional magic in every performing capacity, and was much in demand...
Magic Inc. MARLO Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Tricks
Here is the complete set, Jay's Jinking Rings and book! (Also available as manuscript only) Jay Marshall (1919-2005) was President of Magic...
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Magic Escape Handcuffs - Trick
from $11.95
These are trick cuffs - the magician places these cuffs on their wrists and in just an instant they can have them off again without using a key.
Trick - Escapes Trick - General Tricks
These are trick cuffs - the magician places these cuffs on their wrists and in just an instant they can have them off again...
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Chain Release Hand Lock - Trick
The easiest fastest and most impressive of Handcuff Releases!   It can be used either as an effect in a routine by itself, or it can be part of any escape effect, such as a Substitution Trunk, Packing Box Escape....
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Trick - Escapes Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks
The easiest fastest and most impressive of Handcuff Releases!   It can be used either as an effect in a routine by...
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Strait Jacket Light Weight - Trick
An audience member examines the jacket. Six belts are fastened behind your back. Your arms are crossed and belted together. The crotch strap is secured. You can't reach for the buckles. You can't move. They watch you twist and contort,...
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Trick - Escapes Tricks
An audience member examines the jacket. Six belts are fastened behind your back. Your arms are crossed and belted together. The crotch...
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Magic Chain Escape (Siberian Chain) - Trick
Shades of Houdini! Volunteers lock the performer's hands behind his back with metal chains and a lock, yet he magically escapes in seconds. A classic of escape magic.
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Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Trick - Stand-Up Magic Trick - Street Magic Tricks
Shades of Houdini! Volunteers lock the performer's hands behind his back with metal chains and a lock, yet he magically escapes in...
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4-door Sliding (Sucker) Die Box Gold large size - Trick
The effect:  a handheld cabinet (about 9" by 4.5") is shown, and from inside, a large die is removed and put into a hat on the table (use your own hat, or a box or small screen -- anything to...
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HARD TO FIND! Trick - Escapes Tricks
The effect:  a handheld cabinet (about 9" by 4.5") is shown, and from inside, a large die is removed and put into...
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Houdini Mail Bag Escape (With Gimmick and 2 Locks with Keys)
A great publicity stunt! A feature trick to use when selling your show! Easy! But nobody knows that but you... Harry Houdini first made the escape from a sealed and locked U.S. Postal Mailbag in 1907. The trick was truly...
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Magic Inc. Trick - Escapes Tricks
A great publicity stunt! A feature trick to use when selling your show! Easy! But nobody knows that but you... Harry Houdini...
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Escape Artist (Siberian Chain Escape) - Trick
The Trick that made HOUDINI famous!EFFECT: When you think of escaping from chains, the first name that comes to mind is Harry Houdini. The Escape Artist is the perfect beginner's escape trick!You show your audience a solid steel chain, along...
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Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Trick - With Online Instructions Tricks
The Trick that made HOUDINI famous!EFFECT: When you think of escaping from chains, the first name that comes to mind is Harry...
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Miracle Puzzle (Close Up) by Doruk Ulgen
A poetic mystery, a display of pure elegance and beauty...A Sophisticated Mystery Experience...Miracle Puzzle MiniPerformer introduces a puzzle that fits perfectly in a beautiful frame. He invites the spectators to examine the puzzle pieces and the frame. Frame is removed...
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Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Trick - Gambling Trick - General Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks
A poetic mystery, a display of pure elegance and beauty...A Sophisticated Mystery Experience...Miracle Puzzle MiniPerformer introduces a puzzle that fits perfectly in...
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Lace Escape -Trick
A clear piece of plastic with holes across its center is inserted in an upright frame so that the holes in the plastic line up with the holes in the frame. A shoe lace is then threaded thru the holes...
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Trick - Escapes Tricks
A clear piece of plastic with holes across its center is inserted in an upright frame so that the holes in the...
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Freely show a mirror from both sides and pass a borrowed, or thoroughly inspected silk or sponge balls through this mirror. Very easy to do. This version of the Silk Thru Mirror works like a charm.
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TK-DR0868 B
BEGINNER Beginner - Stand-Up Magic Illusions Trick - Animation Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Trick - For Beginners Trick - Gospel Magic Trick - Illusions Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks
Freely show a mirror from both sides and pass a borrowed, or thoroughly inspected silk or sponge balls through this mirror. Very...
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The Chip by Quique Marduk - Trick
Effect:Based upon a coin routine created by Marcomik, a poker chip signed by the magician and a spectator, penetrates a hanky and falls into a regular glass, then the chip penetrates the hanky and the bottom of the glass. Finally...
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Trick - Cards Trick - Close Up Trick - Escapes Tricks
Effect:Based upon a coin routine created by Marcomik, a poker chip signed by the magician and a spectator, penetrates a hanky and...
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Super Cannon Pro by Aprendemagia (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick
You are invited to enjoy a great finale that would take your show to the next level.Aprende Magia's SUPER CANNON PRO!A professional confetti cannon that gives you a confetti explosion anytime you need it.SUPER CANNON PRO can throw confetti from...
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Glass case over UC67
Doves / Animals Illusions Trick - Doves or other Animals Trick - Escapes Trick - General Trick - Illusions Trick - Miscellaneous Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks Tricks - Miscellaneous
You are invited to enjoy a great finale that would take your show to the next level.Aprende Magia's SUPER CANNON PRO!A professional...
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U235 Thayer CW, Standard set-complete -Trick
Effect: The performer talks about the early testing implements used back in the 50’s to test uranium and molecular fusion, etc., all steps to creating the Atomic Bomb. “The apparatus you see before you was one of the first attempts...
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Glass case above UC59
HARD TO FIND! Illusions Trick - Escapes Trick - General Trick - Illusions Tricks
Effect: The performer talks about the early testing implements used back in the 50’s to test uranium and molecular fusion, etc., all...
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Police Handcuffs (Aluminum)
Regular Police Handcuffs (aluminum)
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Trick - Escapes Trick - General Trick - Miscellaneous Tricks Tricks - Miscellaneous
Regular Police Handcuffs (aluminum)
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Spider Confetti Cannon by Tango - Trick
If you are looking for a great finale for your show, if you want to add a great effect, only using a small piece of flash cotton, 100 % safe, you need a Spider Fire Cannon!! The mexican magician Spider,...
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Glass case over UC67
Doves / Animals Illusions Trick - Doves or other Animals Trick - Escapes Trick - General Trick - Illusions Trick - Stand-Up Magic Tricks
If you are looking for a great finale for your show, if you want to add a great effect, only using a...
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