Magic Inc. Marlo Books
The Cardician by Ed Marlo - Book
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) is one of the most prolific and innovative card magicians of all time. The Cardician is considered by many to be a high point in his cannon. At the time it was the most ambitious undertaking of...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Ed Marlo
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) is one of the most prolific and innovative card magicians of all time. The Cardician is considered by many...
Seconds, Centers, Bottoms by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapters Eight, Nine, and Ten of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet explains techniques and effects for second, center, and bottom deals. It describes Marlo's fantastic Master Grip technique, which allows for false dealing from the same grip. Apart...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapters Eight, Nine, and Ten of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet explains techniques and effects for second, center, and bottom...
Unknown by Ed Marlo - Book
This booklet covers tricks dealing with a configuration of roughed cards and tricks using the Cover Up Cut. 12 full-size pages. Written and illustrated by Ed Marlo.
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Ed Marlo
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
This booklet covers tricks dealing with a configuration of roughed cards and tricks using the Cover Up Cut. 12 full-size pages. Written...
Acrobatic Cards by Ed Marlo - Book
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) was one of the most prolific and influential magicians in card magic. He constantly found new topics in magic to obsess over; the Acrobatic Card, a brilliant kind of mechanical card, captured Marlo's imagination. Now with this big...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) was one of the most prolific and influential magicians in card magic. He constantly found new topics in magic...
Let's See the Deck by Ed Marlo - Book
Includes some of the snappiest in Marlo's work, such as Age Old Card Control, Aces in Reverse, Hotel Mystery, Third Rosini, the very sensational Blindfold Poker Deal and many more that are just excitingly clever! Well illustrated. Compiled in our...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Ed Marlo
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Includes some of the snappiest in Marlo's work, such as Age Old Card Control, Aces in Reverse, Hotel Mystery, Third Rosini, the...
Side Steal by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Four of the Revolutionary Card Technique Series. This is a veritable treatise on the Side Steal in both its palm, and control versions along with other techniques and effects. Included are both right and left hand palms, four methods...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Four of the Revolutionary Card Technique Series. This is a veritable treatise on the Side Steal in both its palm, and...
Fingertip Control by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Three of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet contains Marlo's early work with peeks, forces, and controls from a fingertip position. These items seem especially fair due to the almost hands off nature of the selection process. One...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Three of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet contains Marlo's early work with peeks, forces, and controls from a fingertip...
The Multiple Shift by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Eleven of the Revolutionary Card Technique series.
Most fabulous, imaginative and practical methods developed with this popular sleight. 130 illustrations, 60 pages.
This was compiled in our book Revolutionary Card Technique.
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Eleven of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. Most fabulous, imaginative and practical methods developed with this popular sleight. 130 illustrations, 60...
Ireland's Yearbook Reader Series - Book
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol. 1 from 1934-1950 Vol. 2 from 1950-1960 Vol. 3 from 1961-1980The ideas, stories and tricks in all the...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Comedy
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Sponge Balls
Trick - Holiday
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol....
Marlo's Perfect Stop Trick by Ed Marlo - Trick
Bringing back an old favorite. We consider this the best of any stop trick we have ever handled. Most of them depend on psychology which often does not work. In this method, the spectator is not influenced in any way....
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Bringing back an old favorite. We consider this the best of any stop trick we have ever handled. Most of them depend...
Card Fan Productions by Ed Marlo - Book
A complete treatise on the continuous production of fans of cards from the fingertips. Illustrated with many sketches, front and back views. One of the greatest applause getters in the business, and you can easily learn how to do it...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Stand Up Magic
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
A complete treatise on the continuous production of fans of cards from the fingertips. Illustrated with many sketches, front and back views....
Estimation by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Thirteen of the Revolutionary Card Technique series.
An 80 page book on an intriguing aspect of card magic. Both mechanical and natural estimation.
This booklet was bound in the collected Revolutionary Card Technique.
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Thirteen of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. An 80 page book on an intriguing aspect of card magic. Both mechanical and...
Card Switches by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Twelve of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. Original methods for switching a card or cards. Various mucks are explained, as well as other types of card switches. 125 illustrations, 70 pages. This booklet was bound in the collected Revolutionary...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Twelve of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. Original methods for switching a card or cards. Various mucks are explained, as well...
The Magic Seven by Ed Marlo - Book
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) is one of the most prolific and innovative card magicians of all time. In this booklet, Marlo explains every detail of one trick that fully explores a premise over the course of many phases. This booklet is a veritable...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Ed Marlo
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Ed Marlo (1913-1991) is one of the most prolific and innovative card magicians of all time. In this booklet, Marlo explains every detail...
Faro Notes By Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Seven of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet contains over 30 effects and ideas using Faro Shuffle. Some notable items include the triumph "76-76-67-67," Marlo's memorized deck "The Memorized Stack," and the very useful "The Faro Calculator." This...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Seven of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet contains over 30 effects and ideas using Faro Shuffle. Some notable items...
The Tabled Palm by Ed Marlo - Book
Chapter Five of the Revolutionary Card Technique Series. This booklet contains methods to palm off cards while the deck is on the table. It describes Flat Palm and Angle Palm techniques along with an early description of Longitudinal Palm, his...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Revolutionary Card Technique
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Chapter Five of the Revolutionary Card Technique Series. This booklet contains methods to palm off cards while the deck is on the...